The glamorous lives of celebrities often seem like fairy tales, but behind the sparkling facade...
20 Everyday Household Items That Could Be Toxic: How They Enter...
Our homes are meant to be safe havens, but many common household items contain potentially harmful...
Hollywood’s Weight Loss Secret: Celebrities and the Insulin Drug...
The glitz and glamour of Hollywood have long been synonymous with impossible beauty standards. But...
How to Get the Perfect Sleek Ponytail
Ponytails are no longer a way to tie your hair when exercising. Thanks to celebrities like Kim...
Transform Your Body with This 10 Minute Full Body Workout
Work and social life can get in the way of our workout, especially when we would rather do anything...
How To Start Your Day For a Perfectly Healthy Morning
It’s 7 in the morning, your alarm rings but you end up snoozing at least 3 times. Then your whole...
Nailing the Perfect Smoky Eye Was Never Easier
When it comes to make-up, the smoky eyes is what the little black dress is to fashion: a classic...
16 Abandoned Places on Earth that Will Leave You Stunned
There are places on our planet that look like they come directly out of horror stories. It’s...
15 Little Known Warning Signs of Emotional Abuse
You never actually know someone until you’ve tried to leave. What most victims of emotional abuse...
The Best 15 Vitamins for Women
Making sure you get the right vitamins and minerals in your diet is essential for a long and happy...
15 Make-Up Tips For The Older Women
Growing older is nothing to be ashamed of. The additional wrinkles in our skin serve as signs that...
15 Body Language Mistakes You Should Refrain from Doing
We all know at least one person shows confidence and charisma without working at it. Roughly 90% of...