We all know at least one person shows confidence and charisma without working at it. Roughly 90% of all communications are verbal, but the gestures that you make – either knowingly or otherwise – can give off a certain impression. If you’re at a job interview, you’ll want your body to show the same confidence in your skills that your resume says about you, so if you’re unsure why your interviewer passed up on hiring you, it may be because of what your arms, back, legs, and facial muscles are doing.
1. Slouching

Hunching over is a huge no-no, yet it’s one of the most commonly made body-language errors. It may be caused by our habit of sitting in front of computers for long periods, but as soon as you get up from your chair, it’s time to straighten out that back. Try puffing out your chest slightly while keeping your shoulders back.
2. Limp Handshake

It’s programmed in our minds to deem somebody with a weak handshake as untrustworthy or conniving. Unfortunately, there’s no way around it – you either have a firm handshake and radiate trustworthiness or you don’t. It’s not a good idea to have a crushing handshake, either. Try to respond with the same amount of pressure that the person opposite you is giving.