20 Most Awkward Things That Happen at a Yoga Class


There is no doubt that practicing yoga can have amazing benefits for everyone. It builds your body’s strength, improves flexibility, posture and breathing, as well as showing great improvement to your nervous system through the mindfulness techniques that are practiced during the sessions. But there is no doubt that sometimes going to a yoga class can put you in uncomfortable situations.

1. Being late


Being late is the worst thing that can happen. Everyone is already warming up or even in their zone and then there is you trying to find a place without making any noise. But realistically you do, so everyone turns around and shushes you.

2. Focusing (or not)


You know the moment in the beginning when everyone is trying to get into the zone and you simply cannot? Instead of closing your eyes and emptying your mind, you just find yourself looking at everyone in the room and thinking about all the things you have to do after the session.


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